Part 32: Playing for the Other Side
Caterline's theme
: Lets see... I'll need some lights, some decorations, and some world-class cuisine. Bloody-rare steak, perhaps?
: Who said that?!
: It was you, Dame Caterline. It was you who showed me the ugly face of injustice. It was you who taught me that our court system is corrupt to the core. It was you who made me realize that, if a man desires justice, he must bring it about with his own two hands.
: ... What's with that mask? Monsieur Falcon? Is that you?
: Falcon is dead. He perished in the graves that lie under our very feet. You can call me the Viridian Killer.
: The... Viridian-
... What am I supposed to do now? ...
Aviary Office
: Oh, its you, inspector.
: Monsieur Sparrowson. I must congratulate you.
: Thanks to your quick actions on Wednesday, we were able to find and apprehend the rebel leader while she still lurked in her den.
: I was just doing my duty, inspector.
: Don't be so modest. Lesser men wouldn't have delved into the catacombs so brazenly. You're a hero.
: But... but Cocorico died. And I can't help but feel that I could have done something to save him.
: Cocorico died an honorable and righteous man. His sacrifice wasnt for nothing.
: Still...
: Sparrowson, if you are looking to redeem Cocorico's death in a fitting manner, then I have the perfect gift for you.
: Here. Take it.
: Correct. In light of the extreme circumstances, the king has granted you the power of an interim prosecutor.
{[Legal license]} has been added to your evidence folder.
: Wow! I'm an officially qualified lawyer! And as a prosecutor, no less.
: This is just temporary, you understand. But if you prove yourself, who knows. Maybe I could pull some strings to make it permanent...
: This is amazing! But wait, why have you given me this?
: I'm glad you ask.
: We need a prosecutor to lead the case against Leonie Beaumort, the ringleader of the rebel group.
: Beaumort... the scary-looking lioness?
: Correct.
: I would be honored to take the job. But why aren't you asking one of the other prosecutors? Like, I don't know... Rupert Rabbington?
: Sparrowson, you clearly have nerves and brains. I am confident that you are ready to take this on.
: ... So... what do I do?
: Well, your job as prosecutor is to interview Beaumort.
: Weve already beat all the information we can get out of her, but you must read Beaumort her charges and see if you can uncover any new facts.
: Right. Got it. And, uh, what charges would those be?
: There are three.
: First. The murder of Séverin Cocorico.
: Of course.
: Second. Conspiring to incite a rebellion.
: Makes sense.
: Third. The murder of Dame Caterline Demiaou.
: Right. W-wait, what?!
: Oh, you didn't hear the news?
: Only one person was inside at the time - Dame Caterline Demiaou - and she was killed instantly.
: What was she doing there? I thought Baron Rorgueil owned the household.
: In light of the barons death, his properties were auctioned off. The Demiaous were the ones to purchase the chateau.
: We suspect that Dame Caterline was touring the hall for the first time when she met her fate.
: This is surreal... But wait, you arrested Leonie Beaumort straight after I met you, right? And that was on Wednesday afternoon. How could she possibly be guilty of committing a crime on Friday evening if she was in custody at the time?
: Simple. She has a large gang. She didn't plant the explosives herself, but we can be sure that she gave the order.
: I don't understand the motive. Did Léonie Beaumort hate Dame Caterline?
: Come on, Sparrowson. You have been granted prosecutor powers. You must start thinking like a prosecutor.
: Right. Okay. Beaumort ordered to have Dame Caterline killed because..
: It was an attack on the bourgeois. A rebel like Beaumort would no doubt have a deep hatred of the higher classes of society. Even in jail, she wants them dead.
: That's a good theory. You seem to have a solid grasp of the rebel mindset, at least.
: Anyway, you may also want to see the crime scene for yourself.
: Chateau Criniére?
: Yes. It's just a giant mound of rubble now, but as a prosecutor you ought to see it with your own eyes.
: Right. Got it.
: The trial is in three days time. Beaumorts fate is all but guaranteed, so just turn up to the court house and youll be fine.
: Now, if you'll excuse me-
: Wait a minute, Inspector. About Falcon...
: You told me he turned cowardly and fled. What of it?
: ... Never mind.
: Im sorry that your friend ran away, Sparrowson, but try to focus on the case. That's what matters.
: Yeah. Youre right.
: I think this is where the foyer was...
: So the main hall must be that big pile of charred rubble over there... It must have been one heck of an explosion. How many gunpowder kegs were used?
: Ah ha! A lawyer!
: Robinio? Dont sneak up on me like that. Wait, shouldn't you be doing community service at the Louvre?
: Nope. Ive done my time. Now I'm free to follow my passion.
: Your passion of scaring people?
: No, bird-brain. My passion of war time photography. See, when I heard the massive explosion last week, I knew that I could get some juicy action shots. I was one of the first on the scene.
: Juicy action shots?
: Haven't you heard? Photographs of violence, death, and mayhem all make for great photograph opportunities.
: Classy.
: Don't judge me. People will pay big money for this stuff. Art galleries, newspapers, lawyers... Speaking of which, where is that partner of yours? The big guy?
: We... don't work together any more.
: Really? That's unfortunate.
: Hey, I'm working on this case! Show me!
: You are? Really? Alright then.
: This is your great photograph? It's blurry. I cant make anything out.
: What good is a blurry picture to me?
: I can touch it up if you want. Draw over the blur, add some details...
: No! No doctoring. Bad Robinio!
: Jeez, you lawyers are a confusing bunch. Look, this is the only photograph of the event. Do you want it or not?
: Fine, fine. I'll take it off your hands.
: Woah! I didn't say you could have this for free. Twenty francs.
: Twenty francs for that garbage?
: Umm, twenty francs for this ~work of art~ that I could sell to a collector for ten thousand francs. You're robbing me blind at twenty.
: Ten.
: Nuh-uh. No bartering. Twenty or no photograph for you.
: I think Im a little short...
: Not my problem, buddy.
: Some buddy you are... Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a crime scene to examine.
: Hmm... Yes... That is indeed a big pile of rubble.
: If you're looking for gold and valuables, forget it. Looters picked the place clean Within hours after the explosion.
: Im not here for gold Im looking for clues.
: Sure you are. Well, either way, there's nothing left of value here. Can I make a suggestion? From one buddy to another? Try the garden.
: The garden?
: The explosion disintegrated the whole from of the house, but the back was pretty much untouched. So if there are any clues left, Id wager that would be the place to look.
: Oh, thanks Robinio. Thats a big help.
: Huh. Robinio was right. This place is practically untouched.
: Well... I guess it's time to go clue hunting.
Select an area to examine.
: I still don't like these little cherub people. They can't be trusted.
: This statue's a little quiet. Maybe he's just a little horse.
: This statue is in-neigh-tly beautiful.
: Wouldn't you say, Falcon?
: ...
: Hey, Falcon. I have a joke. A horse walks into a bar and...
: ...Never mind.
: The fountain is still running. I wonder who pays for the maintenance costs? I can't quite see inside the top basin from here, but I can't imagine that there would be another mystery cigar...
: It couldn't hurt to look, I suppose. But I refuse to get my feet wet. There's something dangling out the top! If I stand on my tiptoes, I can just about reach it without falling in...
: I did it! It's a scrap of paper. It looks like its been torn off something.
: Sparrowson. Believe in yourself. N-no way! This message is for me! Did... Falcon write this? Did he leave this message here because he knew I would check the fountain? But that means... did Falcon play a part in the explosion at Chateau Criniére? Oh man, so many questions.
: I should definitely stash this away. It might be a key piece of evidence in the trial.
{[Fountain Note]} has been added to your evidence folder.
: Im done here. Bye, garden. Bye, fountain. Bye, horses and creepy cherubs.
: You're back. Find anything interesting?
: That's none of your business.
: No need to get snappy, buddy.
: Well... I best be getting on my way. Good day.
: ~Ahem~
: Yes?
: Do I receive a tip for generously letting you in on such a valuable lead?
: Sure. Heres a tip: you can quickly remove the skin from potatoes by boiling them for a few minutes and then dunking them in cold water.
: Hello there.
: Tsk. Another police officer... You look a little short for an interrogation specialist.
: Oh, no, no. I'm not an officer. My name is Sparrowson.
: What does that slip say? Interim prosecutor? Tsk. I knew I wouldnt be getting out of here alive, but they didn't have to insult me by putting some junior lawyer on my case.
: Hey, I'm no junior! I'm the real deal!
: Nice try. I saw the issue date on that slip. Youre as fresh-faced as they come.
: Yeah, well, fresh-faced or not, I'm the one that's in charge of prosecuting you. So, first things first, you are Leonie Beaumort, are you not?
: Yeah. Thats me.
: Okay. Great. I'm in the right jail cell. That's a good start. Now, mademoiselle, I have to read your-
: Dont call me mademoiselle. Do I look like a child to you?
: Well, children dont normally lead rebellions, I guess. Anyway, madame, I have to read you your charges. Lets see, where to start. . .
: Youre being charged with the murder of Séverin Cocorico. And I know youre guilty of that because I saw it with my own eyes.
: Really? You saw that birds death?
: Yep. I was lingering in the shadows. I heard your speech. I saw you put the pistol to his head and pull the trigger. I watched your expression. You didn't show a hint of remorse.
: You really were there... I had no idea we were being watched. I gave you too little credit. I thought you were a law school dork, but now I find out that you're some sort of spy.
: I... I am like a spy, arent I?
: My mistake. Youre still a dork.
: Oh. Well, at least I'm not a murderer.
: This schoolyard banter is idiotic. Read me my next charge.
: You are being charged with conspiring to incite a rebellion.
: I suppose I would be a fool to deny that. But you know, I never wanted violence. I thought, maybe if I could do things right, this could be a peaceful revolution.
: I would find that easier to believe, madame, if hundreds of weapons weren't found in your catacombs hideout.
: Tsk. Blame the wolf and crocodile who pushed me into buying them.
: Would you like to elaborate on that?
: Not really. I take full responsibility for my own actions. Read me the next charge.
: Youre being charged with the murder of Dame Caterline Demiaou.
: ...Who?
: I have no idea who this person is.
: Well, there was an explosion at Chateau Criniere on Friday evening, and Inspector Volerti is confident that you were behind it.
:Last Friday? When I was sitting in this jail cell?
: Yup. That Friday.
: I have no idea why the police feel like tacking some random, unrelated charge onto my list of crimes. But it makes no difference. Even without that charge Im guaranteed to face the guillotine blade, right?
: Right. Or the noose, if the judge is sick of guillotines that day. But madame, I want to do my job right. And part of that involves not prosecuting you for crimes you didn't commit. If there's any way you can prove that you weren't involved in the explosion at Chateau Criniere, please tell me now.
: ... No. Let them charge me. Maybe I'll be taking the fall for some poor sod who doesn't deserve to be punished.
: Thats not how justice works, madame.
: Heb. You know nothing of justice. Go on. What's my next charge?
: Actually, it looks like that's everything. Well, madame, I shall see you in court shortly. I'll try to get to the bottom of this Chateau Criniere business, but in any case, I advise you to make peace with this world.
: Do you resent me for killing your friend?
: I never really knew Séverin Cocorico. But in our brief encounters, he always struck me as a little too self-righteous. I didn't wish death upon him, but... maybe a man with such an unwavering sense of virtue was doomed to die. Do I resent you? I don't know. I have no idea what to think. This all seems like a bad joke with no punchline.